{Reading 17 New Testament Books In 17 Weeks!}

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of
the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the
seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on His Law, he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its
fruit in season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:1-3

Bible Study: Is very important for the believer but reading through it in context is just as important. Join CTTTruth as we read 17 New Testament Books in 17 Weeks.

Have you been in a bible Study class and it is going to end for the summer? Have you been doing my Romans Study and are waiting for Part two to come out? Be looking for it in August of 2016! The class that meets in my home takes a break over the summer. We have found it difficult to study through the summer, although we have given it a good try. Vacations, gardening… seem to crowd out our study time! I am not advocating not studying! Heavens no! I would not be a good teacher if I told you not to study:) However I do believe reading our Bible is as important as our study time.

If you take part in one of my studies you will learn that part of the study is to read through the book we are working through at least once a week. I give a reading plan at the beginning of the study to help guide you through the reading process. Doing this keeps us in the context of the book. As we read it over and over we are putting the very word of God in our minds. It is not memorizing per-say but after you read it enough you do begin to memorize it.

This is where my Reading 17 books in 17 weeks developed!

Starting Monday April 11th we will begin to read a book a week of the New testament. By Friday August 12th, we will have read 17 books.  I have picked the shorter books for this reading so that we can cover more ground in 17 weeks.

How This will Work

  1. Please subscribe {at the end of this post} so I can send you the link to your FREE reading guide!
  2. A free download will be e-mailed to subscribers on Monday March 28th.
  3. When you receive an e-mail, download and print your reading guide. You do not want to wait. We will be starting Monday April 11th.
  4. Please join our closed Facebook group. Lets Read Truth! CTTTruth. Go now and join the group. I will wait for you to return:)
  5. Each Monday in our Facebook group I will give you a Good Morning Welcome. A reminder of the book we are reading, and a prayer for the week. I would love group participation. Please comment and share when you have finished your reading for the day! Accountability and interaction keep us all on track! Encourage each other and pray for one another! Please ask questions and give any insight you have gleaned from the reading for the day!
  6. Each Friday you will find a post on the blog that gives an overview of the book we are reading! Ok, go now and follow my blog so you do not miss the blog posts that go with this reading plan! www.conformingtothetruth.net.

Sneak Peak Into What The Packet Contains!

Reading Plan Material: 

  1. Reading plan for each book.

Week 1 Galatians Reading plan

Each book comes with a weekly reading plan. It will tell which chapters to read on what day. The reading plan will tell you which week the book is scheduled and how many chapters you will be reading. Saturday is your grace day. Life happens, so if for some reason you get behind you have your grace day to catch up!



2. Weekly Memory Verse

   Galatians Memory Verse Week 1I have chosen 1 verse from each book we are reading as your memory verse for the week. After you have finished your reading for the day write out your memory verse on the sheet provided for you. You will be writing your verse a total of five times. One time per day. If you need to write it more, please do, you can use the back of your worksheet. I have also found it helpful to read through the verse and then repeat it several times not looking at the verse. I will leave this open for you to decide what works best for you!

3.Who is God, Jesus, And The holy Spirit?{ Optional but greatly encouraged.}

Galatians Character of GodGalatians Character of the Holy SpiritGalatians Character of Jesus


Number three is extra work if you choose to do it. The most important part of Bible study is reading God’s word to learn what it teaches about God Himself. As students of the Word, we know that the Bible speaks of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We call it the Trinity, “Three in One.” The Bible does not use the word Trinity but we know from our reading and study that there is the Godhead, or three in one. This part of the reading plan will take a little extra work on your part but one that will be very rewarding. It is optional but greatly encouraged! When I do my own Bible study for personal growth and to write my studies, I do this with all chapters and books I am working on. The benefits have far outweighed the work. I have learned things about the Trinity I would have never seen or known for myself if I had not slowed down enough to practice this discipline.

Here is a little intro into how number 3 works. You will be given a separate worksheet for each Person of the Trinity. Example: On the worksheet for Jesus, read through each chapter and record on your worksheet everything you learn about Jesus. More examples and further instruction are given in your Free Packet.

That Is it! What are you waiting for? Subscribe now it is easy and I know you do not want to miss out on a great opportunity to read through the Word of God. And doing it with other believers, a bonus!

Please share this with your family and friends!


You may find me linked up with these lovely ladies!

Monday: Soul SurvivorMaking My Home sing Tuesday: |Testimony Tuesday| Tell It to me Tuesday| | Rear Release Regroup| Wednesday:| A Little R&RA Wise Woman Builds Her HomeWorshipful WednesdayWord Filled WednesdaySitting Among Friends|Thursday:| Thought Provoking Thursday| Thankful Thursday100 Happy Days|Friday:| Grace & Truth| Faith Filled FridayFaith and Fellowship Blog HopFellowship Friday|



40 thoughts on “{Reading 17 New Testament Books In 17 Weeks!}

    • Lisa says:

      It is difficult to stick to these kinds of things sometimes! Believe me I understand! I would still love for you to try! The reading plan is not difficult at all. I also have a facebook group that you can join to help remind and encourage you along the way. It is easier sometimes when we have accountabiblity! Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Jennifer says:

    This is AWESOME! What an incredible study idea! To be so saturated in the word…17 books in 17 weeks…I think I’m in! My favorite part will probably be writing out the memory verse every day. I love writing and I love writing the word too! This is my first time to your page and I must say, it looks like you and I both have a heart for getting our brothers and sisters to READ the WORD and live by it. I’m only now starting to get serious with my blog, and I’m very impressed with yours. It’s great to have a sister with similar thoughts! 🙂 I hope many people join your study! It’s going to be great and I really think you’ve heard the Lord on this.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. brittanyputman15 says:

    Great idea! It sounds like fun and I think I might join! I might start late though because we are going on vacation on the 11th and so it might be hard to start something new that week.


    • Lisa says:

      Thank you Brittany! If you go ahead and subscribe I will be sending out the reading plan March the 28th. You might have time to start early. Then join in with the rest of us when you get from vacation! Make sure and also join tHe faceboomk group. Link is in the post. When you subscribe I will send a link as well.


  3. Astrid says:

    I will give this reading challenge a thought. I am busy during the month of April with a blogging challenge but would love to also engage in enough Bible reading.


    • Lisa says:

      I hope you are able to join in! Subscribe to receive the reading plan. If you cannot join in right away maybe you can join in May! Can always catch up for April!


  4. Victoria @ Creative Home Keeper says:

    What a neat idea! I love that you are also passionate about getting women in the Word reading Scripture together.


    • Lisa says:

      Thank you Victoria! Getting women into the Word of God has been my passion for many years! Thanks for stopping by!I hope you join us in reading 17 New Testamemt Books! I would love to read Truth with you.


  5. welcomesue says:

    You have done a mountain of work and will be blessed the most, I’m thinking! Our pastor is on Route 66 – a book of the Bible in survey form every week (with a break in the summer!) He’s closing in on the end of the NT and it’s been great. Blessings!


    • Lisa says:

      Hi Sue! I know this has been a blessing! This for me has been such a blessing so far! It is work but worth it! There is a lot of excitement from the ones who have joined so far. It makes me even more excited to see them wanting to Read Truth! God Bless! Thank you for stopping by today:)


  6. bloggerlovestheking says:

    WOW this sounds so good and so laid out. I love Bible studies but in two right now and will be until summer. Hope it all goes well and thousands of lives are bless through this study.


  7. Linda says:

    I’m going to join in this – I’m not on Facebook, so I’ll miss out on that part of it. It will be great, though, just to know that lots of others are reading what I’m reading at the same time. Thanks, Lisa, for making this available!


    • Lisa says:

      Linda, I am so excited that you are going to join in! You are right it is nice to know others are reading truth with you! Cannot wait to get started. Be on the look out fir your reading plan! God Bless, have a wonderful weekend:)


  8. Robin says:

    Hi there. I filled my email details in but haven’t received any notifications as such. Will we be notified when it begins?

    This is pretty awesome nd I look forward to being a part of it. I have been wanting to get closer to the word for a while nd look how God directed me. Thank you


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